Is this a guaranteed way to get out of a traffic ticket?

Cops can't pull over/ticket diplomats right? You know, diplomatic immunity and whatnot?

Plus I drive a black Honda that looks like it could be an official vehicle of an Embassy or Consulate.

So suppose I put fake diplomatic plates on my car? That way if a cop ever clocks me for speeding and pulls up behind me intending to pull me over, he'd see my plates and not touch me with a 20 foot pole.

Lol could that work?

Wrong. Nothing stops a LEO from stopping a car with diplomatic plates. It's what happens after that is what matters. Diplomatic plates do not make the driver a diplomat. It's the coloured diplomatic passport that the driver produces that count. The diplomat can still be given a ticket and usually is given one. The diplomat can just use it for toilet paper afterwards since nothing can be done to force payment. As a matter of curiosity would you believe that US diplomats serving in other countries receive and ignore more traffic and parking tickets than any other country's staff in the world? True. Anyway you wouldn't be able to fake diplomatic plates as the numbers and letters are coded for a particular county and identify what county is operating the car. The passport must match the assigned plate. You are not smart enough to make a fake plate that would fool any cop for even one second. Find something honest and productive to do… Like go back to school and get an education.

Of course, once your plate is "run" that will be the end of that. And just out of curiosity, where would a person buy fake diplomatic plates.

I strongly suspect that diplomats - at least in my area - don't drive Hondas!

No, this can't get you out of a traffic ticket. It still needs to be paid.

Thank you. I feel much better about my own intelligence.

In addition to what has been said…

What would happen if you were in a car accident? Even though the other driver might be at fault, your information will still be ran through the system.

I have a great legal way I avoid tickets-- I don't knowingly break the law.

No because not every one attached to an embassy has diplomatic immunity. And they will run your phony plates and now you go to jail, and that ticket looks pretty good.
The best way to beat a ticket is not to get one in the first place.

As far as I'm aware diplomats are still required to obey the laws of the country they are residing in. So, if they break a law there's no reason the Police can't apply a traffic ticket. Whether the diplomats try the diplomatic immunity nonsense or not it would certainly be a black mark against them. What you are suggesting about the fake plates etc. Is considered fraud and you could easily end up looking at a serious jail term.

Until he runs your plates to discover they are not real diplomatic plates, then you will get even more tickets, LOL.

If you are in a place where they often see diplomatic plates, they will recognize the fake. If you are in a place where they do not deal with diplomatic plates very often, they may not recognize the significance. BTW, diplomatic immunity does NOT preclude a cop from pulling someone over and investigating.

Oops that a felony.3-5 years

Don't try that in IL. They are quick to put you in jail for fraud.

Possible conspiracy and attempt to impersonate a diplomat in attempt to evade police.

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