Is trouble shooting a helmet lock the same as trouble shooting a key stuck in a door?

I have a Honda VFR and the key is stuck in the helmet lock. Its all the way in and turned slightly but won't budge. I just need to know if i should try lube before i call a locksmith.

Do you have AAA? I ask because a little known perk of AAA is that they provide locksmithing as part of their road service.

Try some spray lube, try pushing, pulling and turning, even tapping on the lock, but whatever you do, don't break the key off in the lock.

A friend of mine had a similar problem turned out to be a little corrosion on the bar that slides across, some oil and a couple of taps on the bar using a drift soon loosened it. Penetrating oil like GT85 and WD40 will not harm the lock so give it a go.

It's better to call a locksmith. They will try to remove it carefully without any damage to your helmet. It's always better to trust someone who is more experienced then our DIY tricks.