Am i crazy for wanting a supersport motorcycle?

I'm 18 and just bought a Honda grom. Rode it for 3 days and I'm enjoying it. Took my msf course and everything. But after riding a friends gsxr 600 i want a supersport myself. Bikes came really natural to me and i still respect them (not the grom) I love adrenaline and the grom already bores me after 3 days and 64 miles. Is this even normal for a first time rider?

What is your insurance budget? 18 year olds and 160mph street legal track bikes cost a small fortune to insure.

Yes. Going fast is fun. Trying to stop is not. You have no idea how far you will go trying to stop from 100mph.

Good luck finding an insurance company to cover you

If you think it's crazy that's good.
Learn to really ride tomorrow to keep riding for tomorrow.

Yeah, all noobs are immortal. Once you've bitten the tarmac a few times you'll learn.

"the grom already bores me after 3 days and 64 miles"

Then you aren't doing it right.

Wait a minute, it's boring? I thought you said you were enjoying it. If you think your Grom is boring, wait till you ride a bed in an ICU for a few weeks. If you like adrenaline, go to an amusement park, public roads are not there to provide noobs a place to demonstrate what inexperience + immaturity + excess horsepower does to tender young flesh and bones.

Easy, Pard. Learn to walk before you run. Riding straight is the Easy part. Learning to Crash, well, is the Hard part.

Crazy? My club discussed this, we agreed, just Riding, especially with these idiot cagers, Is Crazy, alone. It's just Crazi-Er riding a 182 MPH 'sickle.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

"I love adrenaline and the grom already bores me after 3 days and 64 miles."

Nah. You aren't crazy. Just too young to respect the power of a motorcycle. Any motorcycle, let alone a bloody supersport.