Am I tall enough to ride a Honda CRF250R?

I really want a 250 and i'm about 5'6 and weigh around 115-120. This would be my first dirt bike. I was first looking at a yz125 but saw the seat height was taller and also I don't really like the high pitch noise unlike the 250. Also I sat on a 150 and was flat footed and heard that you shouldn't be flat footed

Go sit on one. You can soften suspension, so the sag is lower. I ride 250 for dirt, but I'm 6'. What kind of riding? If your looking for trail only, go with the CRF 230. My neighbor is 6'3" he started on CRF 230. Now his son rides it. He rides CRF250F now.

Don't waste time on a crf230 you are perfect for the crf250r it might be a little tall for a while but you'll get it down I'm 5'6 and have no problems at all on trail and on the track you'll be to big for the 230 and you'll get over it way to quick