Batteey charger hooked up while bike was runing?

I have a 81 cb750c honda I hooked up my battery charger to it and set it to start so I could start it and then I spaced and left it on while it was idealing now i don't know what it is but it won't start need help please!

Have you earthed it taking the charger off the terminals and blowing your main fuse. Also check the instrument lights come on when you turn the ignition on. I once accidentally reversed polarity on my battery. Wasn't a problem just swapped the connection over. Time to get your multi meter out if you have one and check your voltage. Simple test to see if your getting a spark is to unscrew your spark plugs and reconnect the coils hold the end to the header and hit the starter for a second or two to see if your getting a spark.

but first things first check your battery making sure its got juice. If you left your charger connected afterward and unplugged it can drain it. Check to make sure your pos and neg are properly connected to and then take a look to see if you have a good earth