Getting a 600 for my second sport bike?

I have only been riding for 2 months I believe I have rode just at or before 700 miles on a 2012 honda CBR 250r that I was going to get from my brother unfortunately he is being forced to sell it for financial reasons or else I would keep riding the 250 I feel like I can handle a 600 as riding this 250 I caught on very quickly and have had no problems I know some will say I should stick with the 250 but I would just rather not buy another 250 only to end up selling it to upgrade. Although I have never been on a 600 so I wouldn't want to get on one and realize I couldn't so that's why I'm asking some of you more experienced riders. Also I was thinking of upgrading to a Cbr 600rr but any suggestions on a 600 that would be a good daily driver?

A 600 is not that much bigger than a 250. If you feel you've mastered the 250, a 600 is like one step up.

But there's a difference not just in size but in the kind of bike it is. Your CBR is 'sporty' but it's a general-purpose bike, it's a standard. An 'RR' bike is a single purpose tool, really more at home on the track than the street. They are VERY popular for 'general purpose' street riding but they really suck at that! From the way I see them ridden around where I live, I'm guessing a lot of guys want them just for the look, apparently, or for bragging rights. Just in the way that most dual-sport bikes, like 4WD SUVs, never go offroad.

I wouldn't recommend going to a CBR 600 after 700 miles on a 250. You probably could handle it, but you're just asking for trouble. They're a lot harder to ride than, say, a 650cc standard. They take a lot more concentration and more 'work' with the throttle, clutch and shifter. And they're really uncomfortable (though this doesn't seem to bother the young kids.)

I know people ask here 'What kind of bike do I want?' and others answer with the kind of bike THEY want. I don't mean to do that. But if I was you I'd look into a Ninja 650, SV 650, CB600, FZ6, something like that. Dawfi suggested an fz07, and that is a nice little bike all-around.

This is madness. That 600 is not for the new rider. Get something much more forgiving for a couple of years. If you are allowed to get something that size the er-5 er-6 or sv 650 are much better choices. Lots of fun and they won't bite back if you are a tiny bit enthusiastic with the throttle. If you get the RR I'd expect you to come off on a bend (low side) within a couple of weeks. If you slide into the bushes its repairs and dignity if you have good clothing. If you go under oncoming traffic then have your order of service clear. Seriously this is a very bad idea.

Check the insurance costs! There's a good reason for the price. A 600 is a ride for someone with a few YEARS experience up not a couple of days. Would you climb on a bucking bronco in the middle of a busy street after 10 minutes on a kids pony?
The busy street is the clincher - no traffic or pedestrians & you could concentrate on not letting the bike kill you. Traffic also means when you come off some idiot in a tin top will run over you.

There are other alternatives, like the 500's and 650's and they make much better street riding bikes than the 600's.
Just saying!

It isn't a second bike, it is a first bike. 700 miles is a long day riding.

Or, just buy one and learn how to not crash it instead of ride

Maybe check out an fz07…

I suggest you to buy suzuki high end bikes for a better experience.

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