How to adjust my dirt bike to my size?

I ride a Honda XR500, I'm 6'5 and was wondering how do you lower your pegs and how do you make your seat higher. For the pegs do you have to lower the gear shifter and brake too? When I stand up on the bike the height is pretty good but when I sit down it sinks quite a bit, I'm about 270lbs, can you adjust the suspension for that too? Detailed answer would help please.

I wouldn't change the peg position it will require moving everything else and will reduce clearance with the ground and off road objects.

Custom seat. Bar risers.

You can get after market suspension for your rear and front online. For the front, put some heavier oil. Also, don't move the pegs, last thing you want is lower clearance to the ground. You can get a little taller seat and you can get a riser kit for your handle bars.

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