Looking at getting my first street bike Kawasaki ninja or Honda cbr? Wat do you think I can get cheaper thanks 2 questions?

Looking at getting my first street bike Kawasaki ninja or Honda cbr? Wat do you think I can get cheaper thanks 2 questions?

Kawasakis are usually cheaper, and they all run cold blooded and don't like to run steady- either accelerating or coasting, or they're prone to fouling spark plugs. Ride bikes to see what suits you.

Wat capacity were you thinking of?

Y would you want cheap? Tht means more wrk L8r.

The Kawa will most likely be cheaper, but the CBR will be a little more reliable and I recommend that for a first bike. It's best not to spend a fortune on a first bike, and certainly not on a new one. Get a 2010 model with lowish miles and service history and save a fortune. If you end up dropping it it will be a sad day, but not a disaster as with a brand new bike.

Sit on them. 2 different bikes, have 2 different feels. Me I'm a Cow man so Kaw is what I like.