Motorcycle batter doesn't hold charge, because?

Ok, hopefully this will be read.

I have a 1971 Honda SL175.

The battery has a stamp which shows 07/11/10. I'm assuming this is the date the battery was made?


Is my battery dead (time to buy a new one)?

Is the battery find but something is draining power?

Is there another issue?

Back story.

So My bike was running fine. I recently had an issue kick starting her, looked to notice the headlight was running dim. I bought a trickle charger. The bike starts and runs fine on a full charge. But the charge does not hold more than say 2 hours.

Also today after many kicks to start her, I pulled to my house popped in neutral and it spuddered down tull the engine shut off. Does this have something to do with the battery?

ANY/ALL help will be very greatly appreciated. I'm a motorcycle noob and don't know if i should buy a new battery and be fixed of all problems. Or if i need to visit a mechanic.

Charge the battery

Do like I did. Open that battery up and check the fluid level.

Charge the battery and have it 'load-tested' (usually free at any Shop).

Go from there.

You would be wise to test your charging system. Though your battery is old it should stay charged while you are riding.

Time for a new battery.