Passed CBT test yesterday, category A and Moped category P. What bike can I get?

I'm getting really confused with the new 2013 law, i've read anyone aged 17 can ride a 125cc bike with CBT passed. I did the test on a moped yesterday i'm aged 18 19 in may 30th so can I ride 125cc Honda cbr road legal bike.

now I read there's A1 test? Do I have to achieve this now to get the 125cc bike, or since i'm 18 i've reached the age legal requirements with a passed a CBT test and can go out and buy a spanking new bike 125cc.

Wrong kind of bike. This section is about the human-powered variety, which doesn't require any formal training or licensing.

You probably will get better results if you ask this in the Motorcycle section under Cars and Transportation. I can't move it for you from my phone but you can if you see "edit category" when you click the edit button on your question.