Want to buy a Motorcycle but has no plates?

I really want to buy this bike its a 1985 honda magna but it has no plates on it… He said i could test drive it down the road and back but thats all. Would i get a ticket if i was pulled over?

Yes, you would. You are riding a motorcycle that is not licensed. Ask him why it has no plates. If he has no clear title in his name walk away.

You could definitely get a ticket if you were pulled over but an unsympathetic LEO. Riding an unregistered, uninsured motor vehicle can carry some heavy penalties in some states - license revoked, registration on your vehicles surrendered etc.
However what are the chances in one short ride down a road that is not often patrolled? The other option would be to take the vehicle to a big parking lot (empty) and test ride it off the public road.

Of course you would. And if it does not have insurance, that is another ticket

Of course you could. Does it have a clear title and just remember the plates will have to be brought up to the present year so when was the last time it was licensed.

Yes you will - why has it no plates

Yes, you will get a ticket. But I have a 1985 Honda Magna, and let me just say that you really want this bike. But keep in mind that you are riding 30 year old Japanese steel. Condition and past maintenance is EVERYTHING. If it was maintained properly and in good condition, it will be the most dependable bike you could possibly get. I got mine with 14,000 miles on it. Three years later, it has 25,000.

Depend some on state law- a SR22 insurance card and a copy of title with a bill of sale form can get you a couple days legal use of non plated vehicle use and test drive opportunity. What does Your actual state DOT/DMV law say? Give a sales price deposit and get the tentative bill of sale, call your insurance outfit for a one month SR22 policy and you are technically the new owner with whatever the state has grace period for getting license plates, registration, title transfer. Seller has pulled plates and say short trip only so you don't steal it during test ride- you don't return as agreed he can call cops and say stolen motorcycle such and such with no plates heading that away. Could bring your own extra plates with you.

Yes you would.