What r the flaws with dirt bikes made from?

Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Honda, Husqvarna

i've heard that honda has weak frames and exhaust rotting on Yamahas Iwant to know what all the other flaws are

I've had my yamaha for 14 years, no rust, or problems @ all

It varies from manufacture and model.

The biggest flaw with street bikes are the OIL PICKUPS, OIL PAN with NO BAFFLES
When you wheelie for a long time some bikes will have an OIL STARVATION issue, and literally spray engine oil out the exhaust. Keep doing it and they grenade, seize, and overheat the motor.

Try to ride different stuff. Read bike magazines, they all have there strong and weak points. Not one bike is perfect for every rider. I have two Yamaha and one Honda. Sorry sold the Honda. So I have two Yamaha. Raptor and yzf. Sold the crf

It depends on the specific model. The Kawasaki KLR 650 has the famous doohickey and water pump shaft problems. Find the users groups for your bikes of interest and see what the owners say. Look at the aftermarket parts suppliers. Once an aftermarket supplier starts selling upgrade kits, and people start buying them, that's a good thing. It means 1) the bike is popular, 2) it's worth it to keep it running, 3) and most kits are fairly easy installs, so it is easy to fix. Sweeping generalizations are usually just that. The devil's in the details.

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