What's wrong with my dirt bike?

I have a 2001 Honda xr100r. The bike has been running great earlier today, but just now out of nowhere it won't run past 1st gear. It starts fine and I can move in first gear, but when I shift to second it bogs and turns off. What could have happened? Is it the transmission? I was riding just fine an hour ago.

Loss some weight bra

The clutch is slipping you need new clutch plates thise are cheap or you may need a clutch basket which is expensive

New clutch plates

Need more details.
I doubt the transmission has anything to do with the problem.
Ride as fast as possible in 1st gear, then shift to 2nd.
Same problem?

"it bogs and turns off"

This sounds nothing like a transmission problem, so I don't get why everyone is assuming that?

It sounds like a fault with the fuel system, or even spark.

Make sure the spark plug is giving a good spark, is gapped correctly, and the cap has good connection on it.

IF spark is all good (Blue / purple in colour) - Then move onto cleaning the fuel system. Fuel tank, filter, carburettor. It could be a blockage in the fuel line etc.

HOWEVER, before you do all that, also check the air filter. Usually, if to much air gets into the mixture, it will cause the bike to bog out, because it's running lean. Make sure the air-filter has not moved out of its place, or there's no loose rubbers (Like the air-box rubber). You haven't done any modifications that increase the air-flow have you? If yes, you'll need to re-jet.

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