Why does my atv run for 10 minutes then stall and die?

Just put a brand new carburetor on my 2006 Honda trx. It will crank on the first try no problem. After riding it and it getting hot the bike dies? Why is this?

Vapor lock… Air gets stuck in the gas line… Chokes it out from getting fuel.

Hard to say without performing some diagnostic tests. Could be fuel could be ignition related. YOU have to narrow down the problem by checking for spark once it stops and checking for fuel once it stops - once you figure out which one is missing you chase the problem accordingly.

Check that the fuel cap breather hole is not blocked. Fit a temporary cap and see if the problem is solved. If so unblock the original or buy a new filler cap.

Probably fuel or spark.

Did you replace the carburetor base gasket? Always use a new one when you remove a carb. As the gasket can only be compressed once. When it gets warm the carb bolts expand and creates a space under the carb where the old gasket will not expand back to, so it sucks air instead of fuel/air mix.