My car alarm won't stop going off in my honda odessey 2004, i do not have a key fob

I disconnected the battery cable and that seems to be only solution. But when i reconnect the cable, the alarm still goes off when i turn the car back on. Is there anything else i can do? Would i be able to buy and reprogram a key fob for it to turn off? Please help i don't what else to do, any suggestions would be helpful.

Until you find out what the cause is you can just disconnect a wire from the horn or from whatever is making the noise.

I've had good luck using a pair of wire cutters.

You might have to disconnect the power or fuse to the alarm device. Your Honda probably has dual horns so you may have disconnected the wrong horn

Some aftermarket alarms can be worked around by turning the key to the on position and then connecting the battery. Some factory alarms will disarm by unlocking the driver door with the key.