Repair vs replace Honda Odyssey?

Needs about $800 in axle repairs, will need timing belt soon when it hits 90K, otherwise in good condition. Gets about 17 mpg in city.

Dealer offered 13K trade in against Avalon Hybrid. Repair vs replace?
depreciation if kept another 2 yrs?

There are LOTS of advantages to getting a newer HYBRID model! A FORD HYBRID is getting about 100 MPGs combined, and charges on house current! 17 MPG is NOT very impressive and most people would NOT want anything that eats that much fuel! TYPICALLY a HONDA gets much better mileage! Is there something WRONG with your HONDA< then! $800 is NOT all that much for car repairs these days, but seem pricey to ME! I know someone with a LEXUS 400 H that is getting very high mileage as well! They make MUCH more snae use on energy the car naturally uses! I wish I could afford such a car! I would shoot the moon over this one! You know your finances. And also check out what FORD has done with it's HYBRID division! ALso check out HYUNDAI as well! There are LOTS of great choices out there, if you have the BUCK-A-ROOS. INTERESTING POINT is that the AUDI HYBRID has already won in European races. Wish I could afford one!

Well can you afford the payments for a new car that is up to you not us. I myself would not buy a hybrid. Axles probably get done for cheaper. Find local shop at ATRA.COM for price on the axles and most shops do general repair also so they can give you estimate on the timing belt. Don't mention year but I would keep it

Repair. No brainer.

And you can get the axle done for a lot less. Look around.

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