What happens after the alternator replaced on a honda pilot and auto lock does not work? What to do?

What happens after the alternator replaced on a honda pilot and auto lock does not work? What to do?

Did you check the fuse for the auto lock system, malia? It could have easily blown in the process of alternator replacement.

Those two problems are not related. It would be like if your radio stopped working, it doesn't mean something is wrong with your transmission. Take it to a mechanic and let him find the problem.

It is another issue not related to the alternator replacment. Try replacing the fob battery first. No joy, see the mechanic, again. Could be a bad lock module.

Is auto lock turned on? Step one is to see if it's on. Check your manual

The alternator has a fusible link that many times blows when people jump start their battery backwards. The fusible links are in the engine compartment fuse box and are the larger fuses. Check them all to make sure one isn't blown.
I've already gotten 3 bad after market alternators right out of the box so just because the alternator was replaced don't automatically think it can't be the problem yet.
Your auto lock is a different problem and you'll need a good mechanic that knows how to diagnose door actuator problems.

Have the lock fixed. No connection between the two.

Fob has a battery and it could be dead. Or squirt WD40 into the key locks of each lock just a spit to lubricate it for they do dry out. It should work again. Otherwise it is NOT YOUR CAR.

Take it back to the shop