Salary of an ASE certified Master Automotive Technician?

I'm going to go to school for automotive mechanics soon and am having trouble figuring out salaries. When I looked at average salaries for honda master techs I found
The pay was $12/hour in 2011 at entry level.

That seems like a pipe-dream to me as i have a son that's been a mechanic for at least 15 years and never made anywhere near that, i believe he has maybe 12 ase certificates. He has also taught at 2 automotive schools, made $55,000/$58,000
mercedes benz would pay much more than the other dealers you speak of, that being said they hire the better mechanics. It takes years to get there. Just how long do you think it will take you to get that much knowledge? It won't happen in just 5 years. See experience takes many years years of actually doing a job.
start thinking lower. Depends more on the dealership.***:D