Why does my 05 honda taillights never go off?

Why does my 05 honda taillights never go off?

Bad fuses, bad bulbs, or a bad stop light switch one of them is probably the cause

Get your owners manual go to the back section and see what fuse number the brake lights are and inspect the fuse, if fuse is good then it may be a bad stop light switch, which is a pressure switch on the brake pedal, think of a door bell switch, same concept. When you depress the pedal the lights come on. It's not likely that all of the lights are blown, most probable a bad fuse, if you can't find anything else replace the stop light switch and it should fix the problem.

Going off as in activating when you press the pedal down is what I'm going off of. - if the lights are stuck on and they never stop glowing it would be the stoplight switch as well.