Would this be breaking Copyright?

I'm making a design on redbubble and its a B18 honda motor. I'm not gonna be putting the log on. Just the "Vtec Dohc". And along with that l the intricate details of the motor and i'm gonna add a turbo to the design. I'm making the design for myself but i'm just gonna put the design for sale because why not. Might make a buck or to while i'm at it. But I just wanted to make sure i'm not breaking any copyright while i'm at it. Is it?

Probably not an infringement. Copyright pertains only to the copying of "creative works of authorship", not technical specifications, facts, ideas, concepts, processes, systems, articles of manufacture, or discovery.

If you mike out each dimension of something yourself and make a drawing that shows the physical thing and its dimensions, without copying someone else's drawings, you're not "copying" their drawings but rather copying the physical thing, which is not a copyright infringement, at least to the extent it is not copying the "non-functional" aspects that are "creative and original".

For instance, if you measure a Mickey Mouse telephone and draw it to form the Mickey Mouse CHARACTER, that might be a copyright and trademark violation, if you were to duplicate and distribute the drawing, let alone a duplicate of the device in that "creative and artistic" form. How it works is not protected by copyright. It's industrial design (ornamental shape) was covered by a DESIGN patent that expired a long time ago.

Of course, for your particular situation, you would need to consult with an actual attorney skilled in these matters, if you want actual legal advice.