94 Honda accord won't turn off with the key removed?

I'm running out of Ideas on what could be causing the problem I have a 94 Honda accord the won't turn off when I trun the switch to the off position. The only way to turn it off is I remove the batterie cables or shift to first and let the car jump. I've replaced the ignition switch, the key cylinder were the key goes, the batterie, and I know it's not the altornator, the only other option that I can think of is putting a kill switch, which I really don't want to do. Has anyone eles had this problem, and is there a solution?

I've seen cars that won't shut off because someone thought it was a good idea to hot wire the radiator fan. The spinning fan generates enough electricity to keep the motor running because of the feedback.

Agree, it sounds like a stuck relay. The ignition switch only switches power to a relay on the main power distribution module. If the contacts on that relay have stuck closed, that's your problem.

Way up under the dash on the driver side there's a relay that says "MITSUBA" on the side of it. It is usually gray and about 1" x 1" x 2"
It's called the "Main" or "PGMFI" relay - change it.

I'm a rookie at this car stuff What relay do you think it would be?

Sounds to me like a bad relay

Your wires are crossed take it to a place and run dianostics on it

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