How long does death by carbon monoxide take?

I'm going to turn on my moms car in the garage and hopefully kill myself.
She has a 2002 Honda accord in a small garage.
I'm 117 pounds and 5'5, I had an argument with her and she doesn't trust me and I'll never be good at anything please I want to die, my sister is good at everything and I suck. I want to be with my grandma right now and my grandmas dead, she's been dead for 10 years and she's the only person who loved me

Don't do it! Things will get better. I don't know when, I don't know how, but when you are 80 years old and look back at your life, I'm sure you can smile for some reasons. All I know is, if you kill yourself now, things will NEVER get better…
Try to find some help! Do you have some friends you can trust? Someone at school/work? Perhaps ask a random kind-looking stranger for advise. And remember, there's always someone who loves you.

I'm sorry I don't know how this posted, in polls and surveys I put family

Don't kill yourself.

Whatever terrible things may happen in life,
*whether it's losing someone you love
*or being physically tortured by like being operated on awake without anesthesia like Darth Vader being put into his suit after being burned alive near lava
*or Wolverine getting blazing hot adamantium metal injected to cover his bones;

it's way better than what awaits those who deliberately kill themselves…

Quick and slow

Don't do it please I love you

I wouldnt bother with that, you would only get some kind of brain damage and your life would be worse than it is now, get some help instead and move out

Why take your life hun? You have a future a head of you. Make a life for you and be the best for you

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