How long does it take for a mechanic to finish my dirtbike?

About 3 weeks ago I brought my dirtbike to a Honda shop to get repaired. I payed 900 to get the clutche adjusted, valve replaced, oil change, breaks change, a full time up, and pretty much everything to make the dirtbike pretty much "brand new". It's been 3 weeks since it's been in the shop going on 4, and I'm starting to get VERY impatient. I'm just wondering how long it takes to do all of this?

Why not give them a call and voice your concerns and ask why it has been delayed and when they expect it to be finished.
No one here will have the slightest idea.
They may be simply waiting for parts to be shipped to them. They may be busy and the ones who shout loudest will get their jobs done first.

That is a few hours work, half a day. Your bike is just sitting there waiting.

It's less than a day's work. They're stringing you along.

I'm certain they are quite busy this time of year. Why not call?