Chances of Car catching fire while driving with fuel leak?

I have a 2004 Honda civic with 240k+ miles, I know it's a lot of miles, but I just went to a mechanic today and he said that there was a fuel smell in my oil (I just got the oil changed 3 days ago) and that there's a fuel leak somewhere. I can't get it fixed until Tuesday so I'm just wondering how DANGEROUS is it for me to be driving around? I still need to ride around and go to school/work. I'm gunna leave my car alone this weekend, but I have to use it today and on Monday. Are the chances of something bad like engine catching fire or exploding high? I'm so nervous. He didn't say that I shouldn't be driving it around but he also didn't say that I should.

Its not dangerous to you but it is to your engine. If it you oil has gas in it, it won't lubricate properly. Eventually when you get enough gas in there you'll you burn all your oil and blow your engine.