Strange whining noise in the engine?

All this seemed to happen after I crashed my car into the ditch, due to driving onto the shoulder of the road on a bad winter day and couldent recover. It seems as tho my car likes to make this whining noise under neath the hood, I think it is somewhat related to acceleration and rpms but not speed. When the car is idling and stopped the noise is very apparrent, although when I feather the gas a bit and keep the engine revving the noise stops until I take my foot off the gas then it starts again. Yet its a different story when the car is actually moving because pressing on the accelerator actually causes the noise to get louder and it seems to die down right after the car shifts gears and continues to get louder once it reaches higher rpms in that gear. The strange thing is it likes to come and go, sometimes it stops doing it all together for say about a minute then it starts back up again. It also only really does this when its really cold out and seems to die down when the engines been warmed up for longer than a half hour.

Does anyone have any ideas of what it could be?

By the way its a 96 honda civic ex.

Sounds like the serpentine belt

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