How much life does my '97 Honda CRV have left?

So I have a 97 honda crv which reads over 212,000 miles on the odometer. I know it has more than that due to my grandpa unplugging the odometer for one year and made 3 trips from sacramento to mexico when the car was still new. I haven't had any major problems yet. I already changed the timing belt, new o2 sensor, Cadillac converter (since someone stole mines a few years back), spark plugs and other minor things. The only concern I have is that it over heats when I have the a/c on in the summer. Either than that it still runs really well. Is it time to start looking for a new car?

Cadillac converter?

It depends on how well it has been maintained. With proper maintenance, it has a good chance of reaching the 300,000 mile mark.

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