Honda 250r dirt bike! Advice FROM SOMEONE WHO knows their dirt bike stuff?

I would really appreciate some one to help educate me in motobikes 10 points for best answer. First off what does the r stand for? Like theirs t and f for 4 stroke and 2 stroke but what is r? Ok so i want a honda 250 r because apparently they r good dirt bikes for racing and jumping on. I have a honda 230f but apparently they r not for racing on or for jumping on, i want something that my more experienced dirt biker friends will think is cool and somthing i can race them with and something i can do some cool jumps on. On my honda 230f i only go into 3rd gear. I've heard the 250r is really powerfull and fast. How fast and powerfull is the honda 250r? To fast and powerfull for somone who only goes into 3rd gear on a honda 230f? I'm female of big build. Not really big just a lil bit over weight is this the bike for me or am i not experienced enough? If not how much experienced do i have to be before getting one? What kind of dirtbikes do most 15year old teenagers who live on farms and have been riding since young age have? Coz i want a bike like most 15year olds who have been riding since younge age on farms. Long story short i want one like my friend who is ^ but i can't ask him i'm to shy. What kind of bike would he most likely have. He is 15 and have lived on a farm with his dad and has been riding since younge age? I only started riding about 3 years ago. I started on a kawasaki and now i have a honda 230f and wondering about a 250r?

R - race

The Honda SFF fork splits the spring and damping duties between the two legs. On the left leg three chambers contain the inner, outer and balance pressures, while the right leg houses the damping assembly. Pressures are adjustable in the inner and balance chamber with outer chamber at ambient pressure. The inner chamber's 174 psi acts as the main spring rate and can be adjusted over a range of around 20 psi. This higher pressure allows for more fine tuning as well as less change as the temps rise near the end of a moto. The balance chamber at the bottom of the fork leg affects the ride height (sag) and the initial action of the fork movement. The higher the pressure the more the balance chamber pulls the fork down while softening the initial action.

R = race
If you only go into 3rd gear on your 230, why do you need a bigger bike?
I think you have the experience to ride a 250.
The power jump up from a 230 is not that great.