My 2012 Honda CBR250 motorcycle won't start. Video link included?

So I previously posted this question but lacked sufficient information, so I'm reposting with a video link depicting the sound the bike is making.
At first I thought the battery was dead, so I go a new battery, and the bike still won't start. It has 250 miles on it but hasn't been ridden in about 9 months. I took the side panels off to see if there was anything obstructing air intake, nothing observed. All suggestions are welcome.

1. First battery went due to not being used or charged for 9 months
2. I must assume that you left fuel in the bike for 9 months. Pelrol/gas does actually have a shelf life which is nowhere near 9 months. In 9 months 2 things will have happened -
a. The fuel will no longer be able to be used in the engine
b. Particularly in small pipes, valves and filters the fuel will have turned into a waxy jelly like substance which is causing a blockage or maybe more than one blockage.

Drain the fuel system and dispose carefully of the useless old fuel.
Clean out fuel system.