Brake failure and new driver?

I'm a teenager driving with a permit, and today, my brakes stopped working as I was taking a turn and my car almost went straight into a deep ravine. I was driving a Honda Pilot and it almost seemed to accelerate at the last second, but thankfully, the brakes started working for me in time to stop it. My parents don't believe me as they have never experienced brake failure with that car. What do I do? I'm scared half to death, and I NEVER want to drive again because I could have killed somebody else or myself.

If the brakes failed why have they mysteriously started working again?
Driver error maybe you were going to fast or didn't put your foot on the brake pedal?
Maybe you shouldn't be driving at all.

Just take it easy and drive more cautiously. This means take curves slower and brake sooner. Sometimes, when the brakes are wet and cold, they can slide for a bit before they heat up and evaporate the surface water. To do this, just brake gently a few times as you are driving to heat them and dry them. It's likely that you just aren't used to your vehicle's characteristics yet when it comes to braking responsiveness. It might also need new brake pads.

This was a driver error. Your inexperience has made you assume the brakes failed when they did not. When brakes fail, they don't mysteriously fix themselves moments later. You need to get more experience and stop blaming the car for your own mistakes.

I don't believe you either. Driver inexperience is the likely cause.