2001 Honda Accord Dies When I Start it?

Sometimes my car dies when I start it. Every time it was driven and a while and it was raining. I had to give it a little gas to get it to start? It just got new belts and spark plugs. Any suggestions?

Added (1). 2001 with 65,000 miles.

This sounds more like an ignition wiring problem. As the wires in the ignition system age the insulation can become brittle and crack. Normally a crack won't cause a real problem until you get some dampness then it can short out causing your car to stop. The best thing to do is to take it to a mechanic and explain the problem and see if he can sort it out. These problems can be a real pain to find as it is almost impossible to duplicate the problem in the garage so expect to have to live with this for a while.

Could this have noting to do with moisture, but rather it be about the alarm system and the key?

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