2001 honda accord srs light?

2001 honda accord srs light?

Since you have not asked any question so I do not know what you want. Clearing the code is not a fix nor repairing anything. The light will come back as soon as the system goes through a self test mode.

If you don't know how to retrieve SRS code, this site will help:
This site will help how to repair and have plenty helpful instruction as well as tips including reset the SRS light:
Happy wrenching. HTH

Let it go

Reset the light with a jumper.

(1) Locate MES Plug. It should be located near the driver's side fuse panel under the dash. The harness is yellow with two wires.
(2) Unplug the MES Plug.
(3) Insert one end of speaker wire into MES Plug (one wire in each contact)
(4) Follow this sequence of shorting the other two leads of the speaker wire and turning the ignition to "on" (not accessory, not start)
-Short and hold the leads while you turn the ignition to on. The SRS Light will illuminate for a few seconds then go off.
-When the SRS Light goes off, unshort the wires. The SRS Light will come back on.
-Short and hold the wires again. The SRS Light will go off.
-When the SRS Light goes off, unshort the wires. The SRS Light will blink twice.
-Turn the ignition off.
-Start engine as normal. The SRS Light should illuminate for a couple of seconds as normal and then go off.
(4a) This series of shorting/unshorting needs to take place within a 4 second window of the SRS Light going on/off each time.
(5) Sound easy enough? Should take 15 seconds or so for the whole procedure.

Airbag or Seatbelt problem. Check codes. Seatbelts on Honda are lifetime warrantied.

This can be a serious issue that can cause a life if SRS is malfunctioning when in an accident.

Please take it to a professional.