Hi There, I'm having problem with Srs light on with my 2004 Honda Pilot, I would like to reset the Srs .I couldnt find the mes connector?

I'm having problem with Srs light on with my 2004 Honda Pilot, I would like to reset the Srs. I couldnt find the mes connector?

There's a yellow mes connector besides the fuse box but it seems having more than two lines. Normally it is having two lines only. Is it the same which line I need to short to erase as i think it is 4 lines. Or if it is worng please send some pics of exact location. Thanms

You need a scanner to troubleshoot and reset the SRS.

The SRS airbag system has no "reset" button. Te SRS system does a self check every time the motor is started and the light will go out if the system is okay. You obviously have a fault in the system. You'll need a scan tool that can read SRS codes to determine if it's an air bag in the steering wheel, dash, seat, or if a seat belt is bad.
The "clock spring" in the steering column is also a part that fails.