2002 honda accord, just serviced new alternator, now it suddenly just dies, then will start after 5minutes, why? Never did that before?

2002 honda accord, just serviced new alternator, now it suddenly just dies, then will start after 5minutes, why? Never did that before?

Added (1). I thought perhaps a clogged fuel filter, that later unclogs, but the mechanic says no, any ideas?

" Why? Never did that before?" - when any fault occurs at some point it happens for the first time so of course for every fault that occurs to a car you can say "It never did that before". So that fact is irrelevant.

There are lots of things that could cause it to just cut off and die. Had you said under what circumstances then that might have narrowed it down quite a bit. Your description does suggest some overheating of an electrical component, maybe ignition related.

There's a possibility that when the new alternator was installed or when the service was carried out that something was done, maybe accidentally, that is causing it to die. From your description it is clear though that the service and alternator replacement is just a coincidence and that this fault COULD have occurred without them happening.

Hi so the situation is really about teh fact an old car now some 16 years old has really come to the end of it's life.
designed to last 8 years or 100 k miles now. Should be scrapped anyway.

Check for trouble codes. Check for spark and fuel pressure when it dies. Check live data with a scan tool and check ECT sensor value. Also suspect a bad main relay.

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