2003 Honda Accord won't start?
Serpantine belt is spinning but doesn't seem like the engine is turning over. Please help!
Added (1). serpantine belt, timing chain, and valves all move. But it seems like the pistons are not?
Added (2). it died at an intersection after stopping at the light?
If the belt is moving then it is in fact turning over.
The pistons must be moving. The starter is at the back of the engine and the serpentine belt is at the front, which means the crank is intact and turning. You must be judging by the sound, which suggests the engine is not developing compression. Next check - is the cam timing still okay? You mention timing chain instead of belt, which means you have the 4 cylinder engine. Timing chains can still jump.
An engine needs two things to start, gas and a spark, and they have to be there at the correct time. So if you are getting gas into the cylinders you are probably not getting a spark. The ignition module may be the problem. If you are getting a spark but no gas the fuel pump would be my first choice for a problem. You could have broken your timing belt in which case the camshaft is not turning but this is probably not the case unless your car stopped while you were driving it and would not start back up. If you don't know anything about cars you should have it towed somewhere. If you know a little first check to see if you are getting a spark at the plugs.
Any code? How low of the oil level in the engine? I've had about 10-15 Accord 4 cylinders towed to the shop parking lot last year alone for the timing chain has jumped time (No start) They were all like your 2003 engine (2.4L)
Any work has been done on the car before this happen? The car may be in an SSD mode: Self Shut Down mode: After the ignition switch is turned OFF, the ECM/PCM stays on (up to 15 minutes). If the ECM/PCM connector is disconnected during this time, the ECM/PCM may be damaged. To cancel this mode, disconnect the negative cable from the battery or jump the SCS line with the HDS after the ignition switch is turned OFF.
Or remove BOTH battery cables and touch the two cable terminals (NOT the battery posts) together for 15 minutes (Yes 15 minutes). And see if the car is start.
Check the timing marks on the cams and the crankshaft sprockets or you can verify quick by just pull the valve cover and check the cam marks (I did on the parking lot.)
After that if the timing chain is good, the timing is correct then the fuel pressure (About 50 psi), injector pulses, good spark (Ignition), cam and crank sensors and check the compression (Minimum 135 psi. Maximum Variation: 28 psi). Should run after this step.
Try to do some reading and navigate through out this site will help
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