90 honda accord radiator has white milky substance. What does this mean?

What does it mean when you have milky substance in radiator?

DR + does not seem to realise that if there's oil emulsion in the radiator [and unless someone has stupidly added oil to the radiator; it happened to me!] then oil from the engine is getting into the cooling system. It hould not. A leak in head gasket is the likely cause. In the old days it was sometimes possible to seal this using a liquid but unlikely with modern cars. Usually quite a big job I'm afraid

Hi why do so many jump to the same conclusion. It is a mixture of oil and water which produces this white thick emulsion. Which in 9 times out of 10 is due to short school runs where the engine does not get hot enough. Condensation from with in an engine produces this mess. A change of oil and good long journey once a week helps to get the engine hot which burns off this stuff. The engine is not being worked hard enough a typical car would be a woman's used to take kids to school which is just two miles down the road. Or a granny who only goes shopping once a week.

I own a garage.it might be slight now. But its your head gasket

It seems you blown a head gasket

I'm thinking it means you've gotten some oil in the coolant. Do you have milky substance in your oil pan too? May indicate a blown head gasket.