99 2.3L Honda Accord coupe transmission issue?

I need help with my 99 2.3L Honda Accord, I've been searching but I can't find information on it, when first driven my shift fine, but after 5-10 mins of driving it starts to downshift on its own although I'm giving it gas and than it just stays in first, I got theses codes when I went to go get it checked out: P0705 P0706 P1739 P1259. I don't know what I need to do but It needs to get done I don't know what it could be.

Unless a wiring issue or third clutches are worn replacing the range sensor and pressure switch should take care of your issues. On another note Honda does have issues with transmissions between 98-07

Definitely need to replace the range sensor, I'd suggest getting a new vtec solenoid too if you don't want engine issues sometime soon

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