Affordable car insurance?
I'm 18, and I'm in college. My dad pays car insurance for his 2 cars and my sisters car (which frustrates me bc she can barely drive and can't park) and I doubt he ll pay for mine. I have 1000 saved and I'm using 500 to buy my dads friend 1990 Honda accord but I can't drive without car insurance. Ill be working all semester and in the summer so I want to pay for insurance. Most places charge teens a lot and that s understandable because we're first time drivers, but is there a way I can get something affordable? Maybe 50$ a month or 100$. My dads insurance covers him for everything, I don't want that. I want insurance just to have it, nothing special.
We don't obviously have a clue.
Try actually researching it urself online in your state instead of wild guesses here kid.
Smart children have their CARs put under parents insurance plan and PAY parents for added costs.
Clueless children try to get their breath own.
Contact numerous websites for actual info
What you want is the legal minimum "liability" insurance in your state. The cheapest way is to put the car in your dad's name so he can add it to his policy. He can put the same amount of liability coverage on it that he has on the other cars, but nothing else. The price of insurance is listed separately on each car so you can pay him whatever it costs and it will be cheaper than what you can get on your own because there's a discount for insuring multiple cars.
The only way you can know what it will cost you on your own is to get estimates from several companies. You can do this on line. Your dad can ask his insurer for estimates both if added on to his policy and if you bought it yourself.
Well, smart children also try to gain information from the experiences of others. I was hoping that maybe there was someone out there that may have experience in the insurance industry or someone out there who has experienced what I'm going through. My dad has been unwilling to listen to anything involving a car from me, but I'm not looking for sympathy on the internet so that's no one's business. A car is mandatory for my job and internship and I needed one now. This isn't a case of trying to do anything on my own, but after years of asking for help, what am I left to do?
You need to shop around for liability ins. Only.
Your cheapest insurance will be PL&PD (public Liability &public damages) This is the MANDATORY. It does not cover your car… Should you wreck your car by hitting a wall, tree, ditch, cow, pig, Kangaroo, as it is NOT THEIR FAULT. So you suck up the cost of repair to your vehicle yourself… Or fix it yourself.
. However if you are hit by another car and it is THEIR FAULT, then your car will be repaired or you financially compensated if the insurance deems your car not worth fixing(so it is a write off)and they pay you market value for that car .a 27 year old car… So a few hundred bucks.
. Best thing to do, is not to get into an accident with anybody because you lose those wheels and do not get enough money to buy something that good. (You will have to look hard to find something running for a few hundred dollars) Maybe a gas guzzling Cadillac is in your future. Or a Moped.
Even if you go under your parents insurance and are marked down as an occasional driver that is the cheapest route to take.
Otherwise car insurance is going to cost you over $1000/yr. Certainly insurance companies take a payment plan but they ding you extra cost for the monthly installment option. Call it a "service fee" for doing the paperwork each time. You don't drive UNLESS you are insured. So learn how to "Save the Money"
. We ALL HAVE TO DO THAT even if that means not driving so much(saving money on gasoline expense and maintenance expense.) Eating lots of Mac &Cheese.
Being 18 and in college… Is being 18 and Flucking Around. Other 18 year olds are out working and making money while you sit on your HINE'. That is why THEY CAN AFFORD car insurance. They WORK FOR IT. College or University is just an EXCUSE not to work.
Professional student here.
There's a way you can pay $50 per month for auto insurance, but you probably won't like it. You'll have to make a down payment of several thousand dollars.
I'm old as dirt, been driving longer than you've been breathing, no accidents or convictions on my record, and I drive a very used vehicle. I'm the type of customer insurance companies offer their lowest rates to, and even I pay over $100 per month for car insurance. There's no way any real insurance company is going to charge you less than they'd charge me, no chance in hell.
If you're hoping to find an insurance company that doesn't use your age and driving experience as rating factors, stop looking right now. That company doesn't exist. If you want to have a car on the road, you've got to pay the costs. One of those costs is liability insurance, which is mandatory in every state and province except New Hampshire.
But before you move to New Hampshire, you need to know the catch. Auto insurance is optional in NH, but if you choose to drive without it you agree that you are personally responsible for any loss or damage your vehicle causes.
First, it's not "most places". It's all places. There are no places in the world that offer cheap car insurance for teenagers.
Second, the price of insurance is based on where the driver lives. There's one way to get the price down:
Move to where insurance costs less.
If your parent(s) aren't willing to help you, research your state's regulations on car insurance. Pay extra close attention to any differences based on age. Then research your most affordable option for required minimums. As a college student your librarian might be able to put you on the right track.
There's no magic trick to getting affordable insurance. Simply get quotes from as many insurance companies as you can bear. Choose the best quote for you.
Hey college boy… The dollar sign ($) goes *before* the amount ($50. Or $100.) not "after" the number. (50.$ or 100.$)
"maybe 50$ a month or 100$" For an 18 year old? Not a chance.
FYI the $ sign goes before the number.
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