Buying a fixed wrecked car?

The car is a 2007 Honda Accord that's was wrecked and fixed with new parts, it's selling for $4,600 with about 114,000 miles on it? Is this safe to buy?

Buying any wrecked car that had been "transformed" or a car with a salvage title is a toss-up.

After-market, made-in-China body parts and non-OEM engine/drivetrain parts will show up as problems later.

There was a case in California where the welding was done so poorly on a wrecked vehicle that the whole section of the car fell apart on the freeway. True story.

The insurance company totals them for a reason. Because the price to repair the damage P R O P E R L Y is as much or more than the car is worth. For someone to buy, repair and sell it at a profit they have to use cheap parts and cut corners. Most are death traps just waiting to kill someone dumb enough to buy them.

Get an insurance quote.

Keep a couple grand handy for towing/replacement vehicle when your car that was sold for peanuts because it wasn't worth fixing was fixed as cheaply as humanly possible to sell for a profit goes kaput.

I wouldn't even consider buying such a car unless I could get a mechanic, who knew the whole situation, to inspect it thoroughly before I bought it.

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