Can getting brakes done cause air not to blow out of the vents any longer?
I just had my rear calipers, brake pads and rotors replaced on my 2005 Honda Accord Hybrid at a local Firestone. As soon as I turned on my car and went to turn on the heat no air blew out of the vents. Even on high nothing comes out. The heat and AC were working perfectly for the past 13 years that I've owned this car. I was literally using the heat on my way to the shop and all was well. It was supposed to be a 90-minute to no more than two-hour job, I was told. The job took four hours to complete. They are saying that there's no way that they could have done anything that would affect the air coming out. I find it hard to believe that after 13 years the four hours it was in the shop was when something went wrong. They took it back in and are saying they think it's the blower motor, though that are not certain. They said they did an electrical diagnostic, which I would imagine involves checking the fuses. Any ideas on what could have caused this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
They could've accidentally disconnected a vacuum line or wiring for the heater/mode control or blower while checking the brake fluid level.
Could be a loose ground wire.
It's possible but unlikely. If you can't even hear the fan running then check all the fuses, it would probably be the cause.
It is theoretically possible, that the mechanic is GROSSLY incompetent or unethical and created a problem with the airflow, but it is EXTREMELY unlikely.
Trow the junk out
Not unlikely. The only thing they need to open the hood for is to service the brake reservoir when bleeding the brakes. OurAnd you need to understand some maintenance actions do not proceed by the book. Something can go wrong or they had a new hire work on your car.
See another garage to troubleshoot the problem. The blower might need replacement or it could be a stuck blend door or bad blend door motor.
No but a wound't be getting the heat fixed there sounds like a scam
Check for any loose wires disconnected from the blower motor assembly. Unfortunately, some shops rely on repeat business and will create problems just so they can fix them. It took me years to find an honest car mechanic after finding things broken in my engine that weren't broken when I brought it in. Taking auto shop in HS really paid off, if nothing else but to know what they're talking about.
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