Car revs, but wheels won't turn sometimes?

So i've got a 2004 Honda Accord LX. It has automatic transmission. It has about 79,000 miles on it, its in good condition.

Recently, sometimes when i'm stopped and I press down on the gas petal (and this usually only happens when i press pretty hard), it rolls forward a little bit, then the engine revs way high, and it slowly starts getting up to speed. (And its not switching to a lower gear in the process. I know that for sure).

So is this a problem i need to worry about? Should i take it in and get it fixed if it keeps happening? Will the repair be expensive? Any information is nice.

Easiest thing is check your spark plugs and wires. Make sure the plugs are gapped correctly according to vehicle spec, and the wires are all good. I had a similar problem with my car (manual transmission) not wanting to go from a dead stop, took off my aftermarket plug wires and put the stock ones back on and been running great ever since.

Is the car CVT? Can you find out the transmission model number?