Car Won't Start? Just ran it earlier?
1994 Honda Accord LX
Hey all. I went out to pull my car out of the drive for someone and it would not start at all. I thought this was especially strange because I had just drove home not even eight hours earlier. The gas gauge was almost on empty so I even ran to the gas station and put two more gallons in it. I also had my oil changed about two weeks ago. I even tried getting it jumped and that didn't seem to help either.
When trying to start it, all of the lights come on, dash lights up, chime from the door being open starts up, I can hear the little click it makes after i turn the key. But when i actually try to start up the car it sounds like its having a hard time starting, as if something was clogging the fuel line or i don't know. Lol I have no idea what could be wrong with it. Any and all help is appreciated.
Added (1). I Change my mind about the whole fule line clogged thing. It does sounds like something is preventing it from starting tho.
Well a no start can only be a few things
1: Battery
2: Fuel
3: Compression
4: Starter
5: Spark
I'm thinking battery, it goes "vrum vrum vrum" as it usually does then its probably not battery, if it "Vrums" slowly it could either be battery or starter, but most likely batttery especially if it clicks after you hold the key for a few seconds.
now a normal "vrum" means its not sparking or not getting fuel. To test spark, pull a plug wire and stick a long screw driver in it and hold it close to a ground (valve cover, engine block, metal). And have a friend crank the motor. If you get spark then its probably fuel.
To check for fuel pump defect, open the gas cap and turn the key to ON position listen and see if you hear a humming noise like a "mmm" noise. If it does then you fuel pump is working but it still could be weak but if it is weak then if should at least fire and stumble then die.
Since the car was almost on empty and its a fairly old car, the fuel pump could have burned up and cause it to fail.
check all of those and worst case scenario you have no compression. That means bad rings or cylinder walls, blown head gasket, or timing issue (belt broke or jumped) but i wouldnt worry about that since you just drove it hours before and ran fine. So just check all the other possibilites first
I try to start 04 honda won't crank i just make a u turn and it shut down the valve going up and down but no compression.
04 honda accord no compressiona
and the valves going up& down.
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