Do you sometimes regret purchasing the car that you drive?

I bought a Honda Accord lx 2017 last year and it's a very nice car. Definitely a great upgrade from the 05 Malibu that I used to have before it gave me a lot of problems.

Although it's a nice car. I used to get a ton of compliments when I first picked it up, I still do get some compliments which feels good lol. I just feel like paying nearly $700 for my monthly note and insurance is killer for my wallet sometimes. Not to mention routine maintenance and gas. I don't know. I love driving the car but sometimes I don't think it was worth it.

Driving is expensive. Car note, insurance, gas, maintenance, parking, tolls all add up. Is it worth $700 a month for you to not have to bum rides, ride public transit, or use taxis to get around? That's a question only you can answer.

With a little effort you could probably find your Malibu and for a price could probably buy it back… Good luck and I hope it works out for you!

I bought a 2013 Nissan Leaf to test the electric technology to see if I liked it. My wife likes it so much she won't let me sell it even though I was in line to get one of the first Tesla 3's. I decided I wanted a crossover EV. The Nissan Leaf only cost $9k, is faster than most small cars and is almost free to drive.

I know I drive a 2017 Rogue its alot everyone is on the same boat. But are you happy? If so then forget about the money.

A 2017 Honda Accord should have minimal maintenance costs and it also gets not bad gas mileage. No worse I would think than an 05 Malibu.

Why drive the latest modle car its only transport waste of cash who cares what people think or say. Do you own your house?

That is one monster monthly payment on a mid trim level Accord. With a rate that high you must have agreed upon financing terms that were extremely unattractive. That s has absolutely nothing to do with the Honda itself.

Additionally, it is rather vain to be hunting for compliments on a car model that thousands drive. I pass a 2017 Honda Accord LX ever ten minutes when I'm out on the road. It's a very common automobile. Nice, but nothing to get excited about.

I have not bought any of the cars i drove they were all given to me from my parents whom i paid under the table to help with expenses. They were the ones who bought the cars i had little to no say in any of it. I'm currently looking to buy a new car ( used but saving up still ) i really don't care what car i drive but since i know this car will be used for quite a long time i'm looking for something i enjoy looking at as well as has ease of fixing with little costs and little maintenance issues.

i already know what car i want it's just a matter of saving at this point but those cars i want are often abused and modified for performance or looks or both so it's just a waiting game at this point but the car is cheap since it's older, has lots of aftermarket parts, and is made by a reliable brand. Right now we're in the middle of transfering my grandpa's ford wildstar van into my/my dads name as my grandpa is getting old and barely drives and the car is having issues now so we're going to try and salvage it and fix it up and use it until i can get my own car. He is still able to drive it if he wants were not forcing him to get rid of it as it is his car but he drives maybe 1 mile only 2-3 days of the week. The car is beat up and way too big for me but honestly idc if it drives i'll use it as what i need is transportation idgaf about looks

700.00 each month to drive a car, I would not like it either
buy older cars, they get you back and forth to work in the same way., sure, you will not get compliments, but. Who cares

A few used ones, Yes. Right now, the Toyota.

My one new one, no. It was almost a business expense. Needed reliable, waranteed trans. For work., So, the $250/mo was allowed for. (would be like $500, now., My insurance did not go up, as not financed. Loan on the money.

Cars are rarely an investment, they ar a running expense like rent. Must allow for it.

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