Does maintaining a car preventing it from breaking down?

I have a 15 year old car Honda Accord that I have owned for almost 2 years. I maitain it and fix every problem that come up before it becomes an expensive repair. I get it checked out regulary.It has never broken down on me and has been always reliable.

What causes break down? Is it invetible with old cars no matter how much you maintain them?

Well technically you can prevent it from braking down. BUT since everything will have a problem at some point and when you replace all the parts you would have "built" a new honda.

It will not totally prevent a breakdown but it will make the car lady longer and reduce the chances. You will notice thing starting to give notice and replace or adjust them.
I had a battery just die it was fine when I parked a hour later it was dead, not just flat.

Brilliant deduction!

Yeah, that is WHY guys work. Maintaining their first love. Sorry sweetie, you get the back seat.

Do you maintain yourself? Why? Sooner or later you are gonna die, so again, why? Do you wash your clothes or do you buy new ones every day? Maintenance is maintenance whether it be your body or hair, or clothes, or brushing your teeth. You will still die someday (but at least you will be dressed and groomed nicely for the occasion.

Same… Same.