Does the distributor send signal to fuelpump on 94 honda accord?
Does the distributor send signal to fuelpump on 94 honda accord?
Why the question? There are other more common causes that make the fuel pump not working or there's no "Signal" to activate the pump. The distributor has nothing to do with fuel problem except the reference voltage and has everything to do with the no spark problem.
Go to this link and d/l the wiring diagrams for the vehicle. Diagram #53 is for the fuel system:
If the fuse or fuses are all okay and the main relay is getting power then you need to find out with the relay in the socket and key in the run position is the relay output working and is the relay turning on via the ignition switch and the PCM. Normally any relay will buzz or vibrate or click when it's turned on or working so feel the relay as the key is turned to the run position.
The key in the run position will only supply power to the main relay for a short period of time then the PCM will shut off the relay. If anything like a camshaft sensor or crankshaft sensor etc is shorted out or faulty then the PCM will shut off the relay once it has detected the sensor/sensors error (5 Volt reference or VREF).
If a sensor error like that was detected you may or may not receive a error code from the PCM and also remember if no fuel pump power or only a short temporally feed exists and the PCM has shut down the main relay it will also kill the ignition spark so check for spark. The ignition switch could be at fault also.
Look at these videos:
Read these links:
Edit: Want a FSM (Factory Service Manual) for your 94 Accord?:
Hope it help. Email if you have any question. HTH
As JJ said, the computer does.
Adding to the story though…
The PCM will energize the fuel pump relay for about one second at 'key on', this is to pressurize the fuel system (some will say "prime") in readiness to start and run the engine.
However, if the PCM does not sense an RPM signal from the distributor it will cease it's command to the fuel pump relay, thus the fuel pump will no longer run.
No the computer does.
First best answer to Mike. However, the fuel pump relay (known as a "main relay") is one of the most common failures in Hondas of that age. See the source for details and a basic test.
Can you be more specific please?
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