Does this sound like a transmission issue?

Ihave an automatic 2.3 4 cylinder 1998 honda accord. While driving on the highway car was going 65 till the rpms started going really high randomly and i have no idea what to do

It kept doing that. If its the transmission does that thing at advanced auto part transmission fix work temporary? The car shifts fine. From park to reverse it moves good but i don't know What to do

Transmission fix in a bottle will not solve your problem. Get it to a transmission shop As soon as possible to avoid further damage

Yep its a common problem on that year and the only thing that will work is rebuilding it or replacing it with a new one

Check your transmission fluid level

Check, if there any faults in Automatic Transmission. Transmission issues are very common in car and other vehicles. Overheating of vehicle engine can cause transmission problems. Burning smell, Leaking Fluid, Clunking and Humming sound are few reasons of transmission faults. You have to take your vehicle to a good garage to repair or fix transmission problem. Check the details here to find the types of transmission service in vehicles and also how to over come the transmission problem.