Honda accord 2008 burning oil?

Hi, I have a honda accord 2008 with 90k miles & it's burning oil. It's not leaking. I do an oil change every 2000 miles, i use honda genuine oil 5w-20. Which oil should I used so my car can stop burning it?

Changing oil brands or grades won't help.

You have worn engine parts. Are you sure it's burning and not leaking? Also, how much? A quart or even two every change cycle isn't awful. Not good, but not awful either!

Check you PCV system for proper operation. Be sure it has a good vacuum stream to it. A plugged PCV system can cause leaks or "burning."

You didn't mention anything about smoking. If its blowing blue smoke out of the tail pipe. This means oil is getting into the combustion chamber. 3 ways to get into chamber… Pistion rings worn, valve guides worn, or bad valve seals. Hondas are known for this problem.

Changing the oil won, t help any! If it, s smoking when it, s running then check the PCV valve to see if it, s clogged up! Also check the air filter for any oil! If the PCV valve is clogged then it can push the oil up into the air filter and the engine can suck the oil into the engine!

First of all you can't tell if it is leaking or burning, because the rear main seal is the main place it leaks, and you can't see that when driving.
But a bad PVC or leaking injector can cause the problem.
However, changing oil can help.
First do a compression test.
If compression is below 100, then switch to 20w-50.
If you have a turbo charger, check that for leakage inside the exhaust.