Honda Accord. Cranks But No Start?

I Have A 1996 2.2L Honda Accord. Recently While Driving From Work All My Ignition Cut Off While Driving But Electronics Stay On ( Lights, Radio, Headlights )

So I Parked The Car And It Hasn't Started Since…

So Far I Changed The Starter. Timing Belt ( Had Timing Checked ) . Spark Plugs. Spark Plug Wires… Ignition Coil And Battery… Still Not Starting!

Car Is Getting Fuel. SOMEONE Help!

I Haven't Checked The Main Relay Yet. Will Get On That Tommrow After Work… It Has Fuel. Haven't Checked The Compression Yet, But DOES NOT Have Any Spark, Recently Changed Distributor, Coil, Spark Plug And Wire Set Though Still Not Understanding Why I Have No Spark. Its A 1996 Honda Accord LX 2.2L Non-Vtec, f22b2 Engine. Can't Measure While Idling Because Will Not Start, Sounds Like It Wants To Turn Over But Doesn't. @LiverHuyen2003

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