Honda Accord Starts Then Dies Immediatly?
This Happened the Other day when i went to leave work the car moved about 20 feet then died
After it died it would crank but not fire
later that day i tried again i cranked then started but Suddenly Died
I Replaced the Fuel Filter since the old one was Dirty Tried Again Still Cranked Fired Died
Today i Brought my Uncle to Jump My car since the Battery Died from Cranking
He Jumped It i cranked it AND IT STARTED AND RAN GREAT BUT then when i tried to put the Air Filter Cover Back On It Died and did the same thing as Before It Also Does Not Have a Spark?
we don't know what it is what are the main possibilities?
Can't be Fuel Pump Because it Started and ran for 10 and Primed the Filter before i guess i bumped somthing
Mabey a Distributer is bad
A Main Relay is bad
some fuse or mabey the Computer is bad not Sending signals
if you have had this problem before please let me know if you got it fixed and were the replacing part is or needs to be Repaired would help so much
During the no start condition, remove the air intake hose from throttle body, spray carb cleaner into opening, reattach hose, start vehicle. If it starts, runs for a few seconds then dies, you have a No Fuel problem. If it won't start at all, you have a No Spark problem. If its a no spark problem, the crank position sensor, pickup module(inside distributer)coil pack, or ignition switch are the usual suspects. If its no fuel, its usually a bad fuel pump or defective fuel pressure regulator. You can rent a fuel pressure test kit to check your pressure. Its normally between 35-50psi with key on/engine off and 30-40psi while running. If fuel pressure is really high, the regulator is at fault.Remove the regulator vacuum hose and if it or the regulator vacuum port has fuel in it while vehicle is running, the regulator is bad. Now pinch the return fuel hose closed with vice grips, have assistant start car and read the gauge.Pressure should be at 60-80psi. If its lower than this, the fuel pump is bad.
Notorious for distributor failure,
amps, pick ups can fail.
that's why there's so man re-conditioned units for sale.
I couldn't tell you how man I've done over the years.
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