How long does it take for a small nail to effect my car tire?

Its a Honda Accord and a few days ago I noticed I ran over a small nail in the parking lot. Its literally the smallest nail you could find and it went all the way in the tire. I'm wondering if its dangerous to drive with it in there? Because its been a few days and its still not even losing any air still because I guess the top of the nail plugged the hole?

Get a tire repair kit, then pull it out. If it doesn't leak, you have the repair kit for next time.

They are easy to use, just be sure you have a source of compressed air to pump he tire up afterward.

Wishful thinking. There are no nails built today that can seal a tire, none, never has been. I would not recommend getting Joe's repair kit your tires are steel belted radials and require a patch on the inside of the tire not in the Joe's kit.

If you buy a tire plug kit - buy the best one you can find - the cheap ones just won't get the job done (needs a t-handle and hard steel shank- ask me how I know.

Studded snow tyres may be said to have many "nails" in them and are fine.
It depends on where the the nail is.
Best would be to take it to a Tyre TECH and have it evaluated.
pull the nail out and apply a Soapy water solution to the affected area.
If no bubbles than the integrity of the tyre is OK.
Leaving the nail in the tread may lead to compl9cations as it "works" around in and deeper into the casing. I.e. The head wears off and the shaft is forced deeper and deeper into the casing until you hit a bump and the bump like a hammer forces the shaft through the inner lining of the tyre and that leads to gradual air loss and finally a Flat, at the most inconvenient time. Home patch kits are for those in the Know of it. Used by an amateurs may ruin the tyre and require its premature replacement.

One tire on my minivan has a small nail in it, and as long as it doesn't leak, I'm leaving it alone. It will wear down right along with the tire.

I have sealed MANY leaks with a tire repair kit that you install a plug in the hole. It's sometimes a little difficult to punch through the steel belts, but they DO work if done properly following the instructions.

Either the nail DID NOT go all the way through, or you ARE losing air. How long before it is noticeable CAN'T be known until someone actually examines the tire.

Pull the nail out.

Spit on the hole or dribble some water over it.

If it bubbles or you can hear a hissing noise; get the tyre repaired.

If not carry on; no damage done.

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