How long does it take for loan max to repossess your car after your loan due date in Ohio?

I took out an $800 title loan on my 2000 Honda Oddyssey (188,000 miles) and I can't make the initial repayment amount of $288 on time. How long will it be before they send someone out to repossess my car? I live in Ohio and I'm really afraid they will repossess it before I can come up with the cash.

It will take about 12 years.

If you intend to repay the loan just call and tell them your situation. At the least it will buy you a little time.

Why did you tell us how many miles the vehicle has?

You had to take out an $800 loan?

Generally with most loan companies 2 missed payments is when they will usually start looking to get your car, but legally it can be done if you are even 1 day late.

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